Friday, 28 September 2007

Animals do the funniest things!

I was sat typing on my computer today but I will just mention that the weather is no better today than yesterday. Sigh . . .
Sat Nav was out in the field pottering about filling in rabbit holes and cursing the little blighters (she loves them really).

I was concentrating hard actually but something bizarre happened. You know when you get the feeling that someone is watching you? Well, that's what happened to me.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end causing me to feel very uneasy when a huge shadow loomed across the window . . . no, it wasn't an eclipse and it wasn't Sat Nav 'cos she's not that big.

I turned cautiously to look out of the window mentally preparing myself for the worst and got the shock of my life.

I was being watched alright!

For there, gazing intently through the window was a big grey face with unruly hair.
Thankfully I didn't scream . . . for it was our horse, Katie.
Her expression was priceless. Horses do smile 'cos I swear she was smiling at me and curling her lip while she watched me. She didn't look the least bit guilty about the carrot leaves that were dangling from her mouth lol!

Sat Nav had left the gate open between the garden and the paddock, and Katie, being an inquisitive soul, obviously decided I was in need of a visit . . . and Sat Nav's organic carrot patch needed thinning.

Of course I couldn't do anything for laughing. And Sat Nav enticed Katie back into the field with more carrots. Spoiled rotten that horse.

We thought you'd like to see her when she is looking totally angelic.

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