Sunday, 18 February 2018

Vestibular Disorder - Earthquake 18th February 2018

I have written a couple of blogs regarding Vestibular Disorders 2016 and MdDS (Mal de Debarquement Syndrome) 2015 because I suffer from these debilitating disorders.

Yesterday, 17 February 2018, there was an earthquake 4.2 magnitude in Swansea, Wales, UK. Then there were aftershocks.

I have to say last week, prior to the earthquake, my symptoms hiked terribly and I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. Last night they seemed to settle down.

Now, I have to ask the imminent earthquake vibrations cause balance/vestibular disorders symptoms to worsen?

Vibration is a cause of symptoms worsening whether it be traffic passing you while standing on the pavement or while holding a hairdryer. Surely there must be some vibration when an earthquake is imminent? After all, when a Volcano is about to erupt we get a warning.

I researched and found an article (my friend Polly Moyer and I had discussed previously) written by John M. Flionna, in the Los Angles Times  about an Ear Nose and Throat specialist at Tokyo Medical Centre who suffered MdDS symptoms following the 2011 earthquake in Japan. This specialist says he is now sensitive to even small vibrations and is now both physician and patient.

And then we have Solar Flares added to the mix. There was a Solar Flare (small one) which can affect radio signals, giving us weaker power grid fluctuations, on the 16th February 2018. Apparently a Solar Flare can also cause worsening symptoms for people with vestibular disorders, and Mental Health disorders, according to scientists.

Another interesting article I found was about Lizzy Arnold (Olympic Gold Medal Winner Skeleton 2014 and 2018) who has suffered from a vestibular disorder for several years and was only diagnosed in 2017. I feel her pain. I too suffered for years before being diagnosed. Wish I could see the same experts who helped her. She is a credit to all people who suffer from this condition. Huge congratulations to her.
I might take up Skeleton 🛷 racing to see if it helps my disorder.



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