This is the promised update regarding the progress of the joint supplement Cetyl M trial on our veteran equine Katie.
Those of you who read the first blog will know that the trial started in May. Under normal circumstance the loading dose of Cetyl M is 2 scoops morning and evening for the first 4 weeks, however, because of Katie's great age Garbriela from Collarways
Collarways who distribute Cetyl M and who requested the trial, recommended the loading dose period was extended to 5 weeks.
After 5 weeks Katie was given 2 scoops daily in a very small feed in the evening.
The improvement in her movement and stiffness has continued, and been sustained.
Last weekend Kathy Boyer, Equine Therapist, gave Katie a massage.
Kathy knows Katie's condition very well so is in the perfect position to comment on her improvement. During the session Kathy did a series of stretches with Katie and she was amazed at the result. Kathy's parting shot when she left was,
Keep giving her that supplement - it's marvellous stuff!.
This morning we had the second visit from our farrier, Richard Stephenson, since Katie started on the trial. On Richard's previous visit he had confirmed that in his opinion (as well as ours) there was some joint improvement.
Today Richard was amazed at the improvement in Katie's arthritis and how easily she moved. He said it was brilliant because she offered no resistance while he tended to her.
Both Kathy and Richard are willing and able to confirm the huge improvement in Katie.
Kathy can be contacted by email at and Richard on 07976612834.