Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Chocolate and Love

When  Chocolate and Love www.chocolateandlove.com asked me to taste test their new line in Organic chocolate, and write a review about it, what could I say? Absolutely! After all I do like my chocolate :-)

I received four 100g dark and delicious bars from C & L:
Filthy Rich, Crushed Diamonds, The Coffee Affair and Orange Mantra, and one Essential Orange bar courtesy of Conscious Chocolates Ltd www.consciouschocolate.co.uk   Oh the anticipation.....

I sampled Filthy Rich first, an extra dark chocolate with 71% cocoa. I expected it to be bitter, but it was perfect and I was in chocolate heaven. This is very smooth and creamy, no bitterness at all. A must for those who like their chocolate bars without added flavour.

Crushed Diamonds is a fabulous chocolate, but not one for me as I found the cocoa nibs too sharp. However, it was a favourite of my partners!

The Coffee Affair is a deceiving little number. It has very little coffee smell but when it hits your taste buds the coffee taste explodes into a quality ground coffee flavour.

Orange Mantra is lush. A must for chocolate orange lovers.

Unfortunately the Essential Orange bar from Conscious Chocolates didn't go down very well at all. I'm sorry to say that it just wasn't to my taste, but I'm sure others will love it.

I would certainly buy Filthy Rich and The Coffee Affair. My partner would buy Crushed Diamonds.

I definitely recommend you try this luxurious chocolate for yourselves - you won't be disappointed.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

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