Sunday, 17 August 2008

Cherish Fundraiser at the Slug and Lettuce - Durham

On 31st July Sat Nav and I attended another Cherish fun charity night at the Slug and Lettuce in Durham. We were greeted at the door by Brian and guess what...a red carpet was rolled out! I just love to see a red carpet when I make my entrance ;-)

Miss Kitty Lit-teur gave a terrific performance, complete with dazzling costumes, and unique repartee. I was a little disappointed Miss Kitty that you didn't do your fabulous Shirley Bassey routine this time, apparently your dancers were away working on a cruise liner, next time eh!.
But hey...Miss Kitty's Cher was absolutely captivating.

The night raised £777.40 for The Butterwick Hospice. Nearly doubling the amount raised at the last event.

Well done Abigail and Hazel.

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