Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Manchester Pride Launch Party

My partner and I were happy to attend the Manchester Pride Launch Party at the Radisson Edwardian hotel in Manchester City Centre. It was well attended and it was good to meet Jackie Crozier and the other event organizers, plus the Radisson hospitality was excellent.

However, the journey to Manchester was another matter! We allowed plenty of time thank goodness because the minute we got onto the A1 we had wall to wall traffic all the way there. And it was a where was everybody going we wanted to know? We arrived in Manchester City Centre at 5pm, big mistake - even more slow moving traffic. And when we tried to grab peoples attention to get directions they were either on their mobiles or had iPods attached to their ears!!! We got there eventually with 10mins to spare.

Did I mention the that's another story!!!

The journey back home was great, no traffic therefore no problems.

Ellen x

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